ana.words, plant pet person

ana.words, plant pet person
19. Februar 2008 tbz
In Allgemein
kids go through three phases, plant, pet, person. first they
are a plant. you feed them, they water you, and they sit for
long periods. then there's the pet stage. they'll follow you
anywhere and smile when they see you. god help us when they
become people. because with people come opinions.

ja, das hat tbz aufm netz gefunden
und nur klein bisschen adaptiert.
aber eigentlich suchte sie ganz was anderes
als sie "plant pet person" suchmaschinelete.
naemlich desperate housewives,
dritte staffel:

on her first day of sobriety, bree van de kamp found an old
cork, which reminded her just how much she craved chablis.
so she called her sponsor, who came over with a dvd which
they watched till her craving had passed. five days later
after she developed a thirst for merlot, peter arrived with
a deck of cards. the next week, he brought over chinese
takeout because bree had told him she was consumed by
thoughts of vintage chardonnay. by her the day of sobriety,
bree had stopped thinking about alcohol altogether because
her thoughts were now centered elsewhere. though she didn't
know it, bree had answered her own question. the easiest way
to overcome one addiction is to replace it with another." 

peter: "sex is as much an addiction for me as booze. that's why when you turn me on like that it's a bit of a problem." 
bree: "it was just a peck on the cheek." 
peter: "it doesn't matter. the slightest touch gets my juices flowing." 
bree: "so how long has it been since you?" 
peter: "a year. they have this rule: plant, pet, person. if i can keep a plant alive, you know, then i can move on to a pet. and if i can make that work, then i can start dating again." 
bree: "so, how are you doing?" 
peter: "i'm on my fourth ficus." 
bree: "oh." 


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