The world around us is populated by invisible phenomenon. Most of the modern technology that we use is sometimes invisible. As interaction designers, we constantly talk about them and use them to shape experiences. However, sometimes we also wonder how might they look and behave like? And that is exactly what this project set out to explore ? to make the invisible visible. We chose to make Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) that surround us visible. EMFs are particularly strong around devices with electrical and magnetic parts. Using long exposure photography and stop-frame animation we tried to ?light-paint? the EMF around objects like our laptops and an old tape-deck. Through a series of experiments in photographic and lighting techniques followed by customising an Android phone to act as an EMF indicator and then coding our own app in Processing we were able to visualize how these fields change over objects. Further information can be found on the project's blog post: -- = -- -- = -- -- = -- a n a . w o r d s aus dem hellblauen salon ana.txt seite 444 reicht ana.words weiter! vragen & kommentare & texte, die ihr davon findet, sie seien es wert, dass es die ganze welt erfaehrt, oder mindestens die redaktion, dann du willst auch? immer mehr? dann abonnier auch du ana.words: