mahalwords, re: lustiges spiel, anglikaner, haha

mahalwords, re: lustiges spiel, anglikaner, haha
3. Januar 1998 michael
In mahalwords
>Befolge bitte folgende Anweisungen genau!!!!
>> ************************************************************
>> DO NOT SKIP AHEAD. Read this message ONE LINE AT A TIME
>> and just do what it says. You will be glad you did. If not,
>> 9) map the digit to a letter in the alphabet 1=A, 2=B, 3=C,
>> etc...
>> 11) take the second letter in the country name and think of a
>> animal that begins with that letter
>> ************************************************************

ihr habt es ja alle gelesen

>> Here it comes, NO CHEATING or you'll be sorry.
>> You have a grey elephant from Denmark.

main brauner emu aus deutschland passt diesem anglikaner wohl nicht ins zoeix hae

>> ******************************
>> Pretty cool, huh? If you liked
>> it, pass it along. Amaze your
>> friends, as long as they are
>> capable of doing the math and
>> know the names of the countries
>> of the world.
>Gruss Raphi

raphi ist nicht so cuul huh?

Gruss eriz


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