mehrmals hin und her übersetzen und der homo-alan beisst nochmals in den apfel! Original English Text: In 1952, Turing was convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man in Manchester. He was placed on probation and required to undergo hormone therapy. Turing died after eating an apple laced with cyanide in 1954. His death was ruled as suicide. Translated to French: En 1952, Turing a été condamné des "acts de l'indecency" brut ; après avoir admis à un rapport sexuel avec un homme à Manchester. Il a été placé sur l'épreuve et requis de subir la thérapie d'hormone. Turing est mort après avoir mangé une pomme lacée avec du cyanure en 1954. Sa mort a été régnée comme suicide. Translated back to English: In 1952, Turing was condemned "acts of the indecency" gross; after having admitted with a sexual relation with a man in Manchester. It was placed on the test and was required to undergo the therapy of hormone. Turing died after having eaten an apple laced with cyanide in 1954. Its death was reigned like suicide. Translated to German: 1952 war Turing verurteilte "acts des groben indecency" nachher, zulassend mit einer sexuellen Relation mit einem Mann in Manchester. Es wurde auf den Test plaziert und wurde benoetigt, um die Therapie des Hormons durchzumachen. Turing starb einen, Apfel nachher gegessen zu haben, der mit Cyanid 1954 geschnürt wurde. Sein Tod wurde wie Selbstmord regiert. Translated back to English: 1952 were Turing condemned "acts the rough indecency" afterwards, permitting with a sexual relation with a man in Manchester. It was placed on the test and needed, in order to go through the therapy of the hormone. Turing died one apple to have eaten afterwards which was tied with cyanide 1954. Its death was governed like suicide. Translated to Italian: 1952 erano "acts condannati Turing il indecency" approssimativo; in seguito, consentendo con un rapporto sessuale con un uomo a Manchester. È stata disposta sulla prova ed è stata avuta bisogno di, per passare con la terapia dell'ormone. Turing ha morto una mela per mangiare in seguito che è stata legata con cianuro 1954. La relativa morte è stata governata come il suicide. Translated back to English: 1952 "acts were condemned Turing the indecency" approximate; later on, concurring with a sexual relationship with a man with Manchester. It has been decided on the test and has been had need of, in order to pass with the therapy of the hormone. Turing has died an apple in order to eat later on that it has been tied with cyanide 1954. The relative one died has been governed like the suicide. Translated to Portuguese: os "acts 1952 eram Turing condemned o indecency" aproximado; mais tarde sobre, concurring com um relacionamento sexual com um homem com Manchester. Decidiu-se no teste e foi-se necessidade tida de, a fim passar com a terapia do hormone. Turing morreu uma maçã a fim comer mais tarde naquela que fosse amarrada com cianido 1954. Relativo morrido foi governado como o suicide. Translated back to English: "acts 1952 condemned was Turing indecency" approached; later on, concurring with a sexual relationship with a man with Manchester. It was decided in the test and one was necessity had of, the end to pass with the therapy of hormone. Turing died an apple the end to eat later in that it was moored with cyanide 1954. Relative died it was governed as it commits suicide it. Translated to Spanish: los "acts 1952 condenados eran indecency" de Turing acercado; más adelante encendido, concurriendo con un lazo sexual con un hombre con Manchester. Era decidido en la prueba y uno era necesidad tenía de, el extremo pasar con la terapia de la hormona. Turing murió una manzana el extremo para comer más adelante en que fue amarrado con el cianuro 1954. El pariente lo murió fue gobernado como confía suicidio él. Translated back to English: "acts the 1952 condemned was indecency" of approached Turing; more ahead ignited, concurring with a sexual loop with a man with Manchester. He was determined in the test and one was necessity had of, the end to happen with the therapy of the hormone. Turing died an apple the end to eat more ahead in than it was moored with cyanide 1954. The relative died it was governed as he trusts suicide.