ana.words, ibm geiler pc

ana.words, ibm geiler pc
16. Juni 2003 mahal
In ana.bildwords
selber processor wie der erste mac und
wie atari und amiga...

Announced in June 1982.  Based on the Motorola 68000 CPU,
this personal workstation was intended for interfacing with
laboratory instruments to acquire and analyze experimental
data.  In addition to a regular PC keyboard, it had a touch
panel for controlling experiments.  It had a custom realtime
multitasking operating system called CSOS, and could be
programmed in Pascal, Fortran, or Basic.

The 128KB memory could be expanded up to 5MB. Up to 4 10MB
hard disks could be installed, as well as various
combinations of 5.25- and 8-inch floppy disks.  The screen
had 80 columns x 30 rows in text mode and 768 x 480 pixels
in monochrome graphics mode.  I/O interfaces included
serial, parallel, IEEE-488, and analog, with an integrated
color printer ? a big package in a small footprint.

I attended a nondisclosure presentation of this product by
IBM in 1980 or '81 and recall commenting that if they
stripped away the instrument control panel and interfaces,
they'd have a desktop computer that was miles ahead of
anything else on the market.  Wrong division, I guess.


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