ana.words, failure mr president

ana.words, failure mr president
29. November 2005 mahal
In Allgemein
Falls noch mal IRGENDJEMAND sagt, Suchmaschinen funktionieren nicht
1. Geh auf Google
2. Gib "Failure" ein. (auf deutsch: "Versagen")
3. Klick auf "Auf gut Glück!" (Ist der Button neben suchen!!!!)
4. Sieh das oberste Ergebnis und lach dich kaputt.
5. Verbreite diese MAIL, bevor die Google-Leute das ändern (müssen)


Don't think George is a failure? Ok. He does have an impressive string of successes...

He successfully created the biggest budget deficit in history.
He successfully created the awful mess in Iraq.
He successfully destroyed any good will that the world had to the USA.
He successfully proved that it is possible for anyone, including an idiot, to become president.

Hey, maybe, after all things are realistically considered, that Google result is an accurate reflection of the truth and not just a great joke.

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