mahalwords, auf dem klo gefunden

mahalwords, auf dem klo gefunden
19. November 1997 michael
In mahalwords
was folgt sind "15 easy timesavers", ernstgemeinte lebenshilfen.
aus marie claire (us, september 1997):


invest in yourself
by joanne furio

how to save time...
... at home

- tame your answering machine
  write down your messages as you play them back, and erase immediately.

- beat the "key syndrome"
  always keep keys in the same place, wheter it be your purse or a shelf
  in the foyer. (on average, you can spend about a day and a half each 
  looking for misplaced items!)

- schedule your shopping
  best bets are monday, tuesday and wednesday evenings.

- buy in bulk
  it saves time, plus it's a lot cheaper.

- presort laundry
  make separate bags for whites and colors, opaque and sheer stockings, 
  keep a hanging bag for dry cleaning. when it's filled, you'll make one 

- get a gift strategy
  if it's july but you see a great christmas gift for mom, get it. and if 
  a gift can satisfy a number of people, buy several.

- say "no" to lines
  use a telephone charging service for tickets to plays, concerts, etc.
  arrive three minutes beforehand and you'll breeze throught - everyone
  will already be seated.

... at the office

- make a to-do list
  don't use a sticky note, which can get lost; try a big pad. cross off 
  as you complete them. when you have finished half, make a new list.

- use your daily planner
  transfer all important dates from your to-do list to your planner.

- don't answer every call
  if you're immersed in an important project, screen your calls. sometimes
  it's more important to work uninterrupted.

- set up a reading file
  scan journals for articles you need to read. tear them out or, circle 
  in the table of contents. read them on a business trip or the train ride

- tidy up your work space
  if you don't need papers right away, file them to free up your desk.

- avoid phone tag
  try not to leave messages. "off" hours may be the best times to reach
  people; find out if they come in early, stay late, or work through
  lunch. if you must leave a message, claerly state what you need.

- use your rolodex
  staple business cards onto rolodex cards; you'll bypass the task of 
  information. do this soon after receiving the card - before it gets 

- paper procedures
  the old rule is to handle paper only once. but that won't always be 
  better rules: a) if it involves work, add its info to your to-do list, 
  chuck it. b) if you need to keep it, file it.




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