ana.words, weight loss vs iq

ana.words, weight loss vs iq
5. Februar 2002 mahal
In Allgemein
Hangover health

The results of a recent UK-wide survey, conducted by
Safeway, have highlighted Scotland's long -recognised poor
position in health matters.

The survey showed that there is a huge chasm between Scots'
desire to be healthy and their ability to act on this

Compared to the rest of the UK, they are least likely to
read the nutritional information on food packaging, yet
paradoxically are most intent on losing weight.

Disturbingly, 41% of the respondents said that they would
prefer to be able to eat without gaining weight than they
would to speak a foreign language or increase their IQ.

However, the same percentage admitted that they ate less
healthily and were more likely to break a diet when they
were hungover, when the urge for greasy junk food is just
too strong.

This is a significantly higher figure than the UK average of

To Scots' credit, the survey did show that 98% of them knew
that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables
every day and would eat more if aware of the risks involved
in unhealthy eating..

By Lindsay McIntosh,

From the student newspaper at the University of Edinburgh

submitted by

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a n a . w o r d s
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