ana.words, salad bowl in the front hall

ana.words, salad bowl in the front hall
6. März 2002 tbz
In Allgemein
the key party was lacked a comprehensive system of manners. there were things still to be negotiated. no one knew quite what to do, how to follow. most of those who had no intention of playing had already left. george clair and his wife had left, most of the old families of new canaan - the benedicts, the bootons, the carters, et al. - had left. yet from the rigid uncertainity that swept the room, elena could tell that dot's anxiety and her drunkenness extended to her remaining guests. of the group gathered around the glass coffee table in the library, six or seven headed for the front hall immediately. for their coats. those who remained also seemed to be getting ready to leave. they stretched and headed for the bathroom or finished off conversations, though all the while they were intent on that salad bowl in the front hall, that simple, white salad bowl with the keys nestling in it.

aus: the ice storm
von rick moody

-- = --    -- = --    -- = --     

a n a . w o r d s
      aus dem hellblauen salon
ana.txt seite 444

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