ana.words, rugby in der stadt der liebe

ana.words, rugby in der stadt der liebe
20. August 2007 tbz
In ana.bildwords
The photograph shown above is part of a new advertising
campaign designed to attract British visitors to Paris. The
French tourism site, C?est So Paris, is using this ad that
focuses on the Rugby World Cup, with just a tad of
man-to-man waggishness in the scrum, to show the world that
Paris is also the capital of humor. The Paris region will be
hosting several of the upcoming Rugby World Cup matches,
including the finals at the Stade de France.

quasi submitted by dkulle

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    mit bildern.

von euch gescannt, gemalt, photographiert, gezeichnet.
ihr malt, wir versenden.

a n a . w o r d s
aus dem hellblauen salon
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