ana.words, regenbogen gestern abend

ana.words, regenbogen gestern abend
25. Juli 2007 mahal
In ana.bildwords
there is no alternative

submitted by chrisk

The sky is brighter inside the bow because rainbows are disks of 
light rather than sets of coloured rings.

der regenbogen ist eine scheibe.

Outside the primary there is a fainter secondary bow.

The sky between the primary and secondary bows is noticeably
darker than elsewhere.

Alexander of Aphrodisias first described the effect in 200
AD and it now carries his name.

Light rays undergoing a single reflection in raindrops form
the primary rainbow or brighten the sky inside it.

Rays reflected twice are deviated to form the secondary bow
or brighten the sky outside.

Raindrops along lines of sight between the two bows cannot
send light to your eye and so the sky is darker there.

und auch UFO

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