ana.words, pornolesungen

ana.words, pornolesungen
21. Mai 2013 tbz
In Allgemein
tbz dankt poshdirt fuer dies
und empfiehlt euch heute ein paar videos zu kucken:

zur inhaltsangabe heisst es auf einet anderen seite:

in his latest project, hysterical literature, photographer clayton
cubitt takes a beautiful woman, places her at a table in front of a
black backdrop and gets her to read from her favorite book while an
unseen accomplice below the table attempts to bring the woman to orgasm
with a vibrator. the results are an intimate, sexy experience that
captures a beauty rarely found in most modern pornography.

wie findet ihr das?

-- = --    -- = --    -- = --     

a n a . w o r d s
aus dem hellblauen salon
ana.txt seite 444

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