PRINCE! CREAM! aaa huuu http://www.lushrussia.ru/ a uuu dingledingledingledingle da darataaa uuu This is it It's time for u to go to the wire U will hit Cuz u got the burnin' desire It's your time (time) U got the horn so why don't u blow it U are fine (fine) U're filthy cute and baby u know it Cream Get on top Cream U will cop Cream Don't u stop Cream Sh-boogie bop U're so good Baby there ain't nobody better (ain't nobody better) So u should Never, ever go by the letter (never ever) U're so cool (cool) Everything u do is success Make the rules (rules) Then break them all cuz u are the best Yes u are Cream Get on top Cream U will cop Cream Don't u stop Cream Sh-boogie bop Look up in the air, it's your guitar Do your dance Why should u wait any longer? Take a chance It could only make u stronger It's your time (it's your time) U got the horn so why don't u blow it (go on and blow it) U're so fine (u're so fine) U're filthy cute and baby u know it (u know it) Come on Cream Get on top Cream U will cop Cream Don't u ever stop Cream Sh-boogie bop Cream Cream Cream Sh-boogie bop Cream Cream Right there Cream Don't u stop Cream Sh-boogie bop Boogie -- = -- -- = -- -- = -- a n a . w o r d s mit bildern. von euch gescannt, gemalt, photographiert, gezeichnet. ihr malt, wir versenden. a n a . w o r d s aus dem hellblauen salon mailto:words@ana.ch http://ana.ch/words/ ana.txt seite 444 vragen & kommentare & texte, die ihr davon findet, sie seien es wert, dass es die ganze welt erfaehrt, oder mindestens die redaktion, dann mailto:words@ana.ch du willst auch? immer mehr? dann abonnier auch du ana.words: http://ana.ch/txt/444 hast du genug? immer weniger? dann bestell doch nicht ana.words ab: http://ana.ch/txt/444