ana.words, 15 jahre gefaengnis

ana.words, 15 jahre gefaengnis
15. November 2000 michael
In Allgemein
a murderer, imprisoned for life, broke free after 15 years
and was on the run. he broke into a house and tied up the
young couple he found in the bedroom; the man to a chair on
one side of the room and his wife to the bed.

the helpless husband watched him get on the bed, straddle
his wife and start to nuzzle her neck. his wife started to
move her head violently, at which the man got up and left
the room. the husband squirmed the chair across the room to
his young wife and hissed,

"darling, i saw him kissing you. he probably hasn't seen a
woman in years. please cooperate. if he wants to have sex,
just go along with it and even pretend you like it. whatever
you do don't fight him or make him mad. our lives may depend
on it!"

"darling," the wife said, spitting out her gag.

"i'm so relieved you feel that way. he wasn't kissing me, he
was whispering to me. he told me he thinks you're really
cute and asked if we kept the vaseline in the bathroom."

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a n a . w o r d s
aus dem hellblauen salon
ana.txt seite 444

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