mahalwords, mir, win95

mahalwords, mir, win95
19. Oktober 1997 michael
In mahalwords
This silly tidbit is from:

mike popovic, 

Top 10 Signs the New Mir Computer is Running Windows 95 

by mike popovic  

# 10: The computer keeps asking you to "Insert Setup Disk #3 to continue"

#9: There is no space left on the hard drive to store mission data. 

#8: The computer refuses to interact with the Mir's "Mr. Java" coffee 

#7: Millions of dollars are traced to phone calls to a Redmond, WA 900#.

#6: Mir astronauts are caught stealing RAM from other satellite's 
computers to keep their system running.

#5: The Space Shuttle can no longer dock with Mir since "the proper 
driver cannot be found"

#4: The system locks up whenever the astronauts try to run life support, 
the solar panels and thrusters at the same time.

#3: The astronauts spend three days looking for cyrillic version of the 

#2: Alien ships secretly observing Mir flee in terror.

And the number one sign the new Mir computer is running Windows 95....

#1: You start receiving welcoming e-mail from the Borg


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