mahalwords, inglisch for rannaweis

mahalwords, inglisch for rannaweis
28. Oktober 1997 michael
In mahalwords
There was a rich man who decided that he 
would like to be able to predict which horse 
would win a race.  He gave three famous men- 
one biologist, one mathematician, and one physicist- 
1'000'000 dollars and one year of time to work 
out a way to predict which horse will win the
race before the race begins.

After a year the three men come back.  The biologist 
apologizes saying that he tried all the available genetic
tests yet still cannot predict the winner.  

The mathematician also says he is sorry, he tried all the 
mathematical and statistical methods without success.

The physicists, however, say he succeeded.  He told the rich 
man "I can predict with certainty which horse will win the race... 
the only problem is that it must be a spherical horse
 in a vacuum."

submitted by ravi


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