ana.words, vergleichen von objekten

ana.words, vergleichen von objekten
31. März 1999 michael
In Allgemein
comparing object values

The equals method compares two Object values to determine if
they are identical.

The equals method is not very useful in the Object class
itself, rather it is intended for classes which extend
Object. Each class should define its own version of equals,
to reflect what it means for two objects of that type to be
equal. In particular, most classes define equals to identify
two objects as equal if their data members have equal

The standard form for using equals is:
boolean result = object1.equals( object2 );

The result is true if both objects are deemed equal and
false otherwise.
For the Object class itself, which has no data members,
equals only returns true if object1 and object2 are the same

You can always check if two objects are the same object with
a comparison:

object1 == object2

No object is equal to the special null object.

jajaja und wenn das subjekt ontologisch als exisiterendes
dasein begriffen wird, dessen sein in der zeitlichkeit
gruendet, dann muss gesagt werden: welt ist subjektiv aber
diese subjektive welt ist dann als zeitlich transzendente
objektiver als jedes moegliche objekt

-- = --    -- = --    -- = --     

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