ana.words, idiot food

ana.words, idiot food
18. März 2003 tbz
In Allgemein
The New York Times, 12. 3. 2003 

An Order of Fries, Please, but Do Hold the French 

WASHINGTON, March 11 - The French may have Champagne, Brie,
croissants and even kisses. Americans, at least in the
cafeterias of the House of Representatives, now have freedom
fries and freedom toast.

With frustration rising in the Capitol over French
opposition to President Bush's policy on Iraq,
Representative Bob Ney, the Ohio Republican who is chairman
of the House Administration Committee, which is responsible
for House operations, ordered the word "French" stricken
from all House menus. The action was unilateral. No vote was


Noting that French fries originated in Belgium, a French
Embassy spokeswoman did not seem amused. "I wonder if it's
worth a comment," the spokeswoman, Nathalie Loiseau, said.
"Honestly. We are working these days on very, very serious
issues of war and peace, life or death. We are not working
on potatoes." There is, apparently, some historical
precedent for the switch, which was proposed by
Representative Walter B. Jones, Republican of North
Carolina. Mr. Jones, whose district includes three military
bases, was inspired by Cubbie's, a restaurant in Beaufort,
N.C. Neal Rowland, the owner of Cubbie's, said he began
serving freedom fries after a local history teacher reminded
him that during World War I, anti-German sentiment prompted
Americans to begin calling sauerkraut liberty cabbage and
frankfurters hot dogs.


While Mr. Jones said he viewed the name change as a
"lighthearted gesture," some in Congress wondered what would
come next. "If China vetoes it," Mr. Frank said of the
United Nations resolution, "what are we going to call
Chinese checkers?"

submitted by

also rotten wir uns zusammen, fliegen nach amiland, und
bestellen konsequent french fries.
-- = --    -- = --    -- = --     

a n a . w o r d s
aus dem hellblauen salon
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