ana.words, drogen entwickeln, software dealen, //#

ana.words, drogen entwickeln, software dealen, //#
21. April 1999 michael
In Allgemein
Drug dealers vs. Software developers

----------------------------    ---------------------------
Drug dealers                    Software developers
----------------------------    ---------------------------

Refer to their clients           Refer to their clients
as "users".                      as "users".

"The first one's free!"          "Download a free trial version..."

Have important South-East        Have important South-East
Asian connections                Asian connections
(to help move the stuff).        (to help debug the code).

Strange jargon:                  Strange jargon:

"Stick"                          "SCSI"
"Rock"                           "RTFM"
"Wrap"                           "Packet"
"E"                              "C"
"Stash"                          "Cache"
"Drive by"                       "CTRL ALT DEL"
"Hit (LSD)"                      "Hit (WWW)"
"Source"                         "Source-code"
"The Pigs"                       "Microsoft"

Realize that there's             Realize that there's
tons of cash in the              tons of cash in the
14- to 25-year-old               14- to 25-year-old
market.                          market.

Your clients really like your    Your clients really like your
stuff when it works. When it     stuff when it works. When it
doesn't work they want to kill   doesn't work they want to kill
you.                             you.

Job is assisted by the           Job is assisted by the
industry producing               industry producing
newer, more potent product.      newer, more potent products.

Often seen in the company        Often seen in the company of
of pimps, hustlers               marketing people, venture
and lowlives                     capitalists and fund managers.

When things go wrong, a          When things go wrong, a
"fix" is just a phone call       "fix" is just a phone call
away but may be expensive        away but may be expensive

A lot of successful people       A lot of successful people
getting rich in this industry    getting rich in this industry
while still teenagers            while still teenagers

Their product causes             Southpark, Doom. SimCity
unhealthy addictions.            dungeon keeper  'Nuff said.

Do your job well, and            Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!
you can sleep with
sexy movie stars who
depend on you.

submitted by lou

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apropos oper und musik
und was alle hoeren wollen

apropos bruce willis und action

was aci dazu meint:
>Action und Musik kombiniert findet man
>bei "Nordbeat".
>Unter diesem Namen versuchen wir unsere
>Musik unters Volke zu bringen.
>Handgemachter Melodic-Hardtrance,

-- = --    -- = --    -- = --     

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